Thai baht is the currency of Thailand.

  • Coins have been in circulation in nominal values 1, 2, 5 and 10. Banknotes have been in circulation in nominal values 20, 50, 100, 500 and 1000.
  • Satangs are the less common coins in nominal values 25 and 50.
  • Late king Pchumipchon Adunjadet known as Rama IX. was the longest-reigning monarch in Thai history and the worlds longest-serving head of state for 70 years. He was very popular with the Thai public.
  • Interestingly, any criticism of the Lords or his family is punishable. You can be sued with high penalties. 
  • The portrait of the king is on one side of all the banknotes.
  • Drawing on the banknotes or breaking banknotes with a portrait of a King is evaluated as the offense. Even their squeezing is not right and you will misbehave in eyes of Thai people. 
  • When you pick up money from an ATM you have to pay 220 THB for that. It doesn’t matter which type of bank have. This tax is in all country. 
The currency code is THB.
1 THB is 100 satang.
Course to the Czech currency: 1 CZK is 0,6 THB.